Since the bioindustry we significantly began to eat more meat. By the possibility to process more meat for lower prices, meat products became more accesable for larger masses. Today the meat industry totals a 844 billion dollars worth and feeds billions of people but at what costs? Meat production not only wheys extremely heavy on the milions of animals slaughtered every single day. it also puts an extreme stress on natural resources, negatively influences human health, and contributes severly to climate change.
First of all It causes extreme reduction and depletion on water, land food and energy, simply because all these animals we eat need natural resources to "become our food". Also an increased demand for meat has strained the supply chain. To put enough meat on the shelves at inexpensive prices, farmers have put into place often-unsustainable practices. This can mean manipulating the environments in which animals are raised, which can lead to contamination of the animal feed, the soil, the land, and ultimately the meat on your plate. It’s no wonder that every couple of years you hear about some bacteria, such as salmonella or E. coli, that has found its way into the food supply.
Furthermore most animals raised by the meat industry eat very unatural foods. This not only leaves animals unsatisfied on many levels but also affects their biological makeup. Many are starved of the nutrients they require to be healthy. This affects their well-being and the well-being of meat consumers. But not only the health of the animal is at risk also that of meatlovers. An excess of meat consumption, In addition to causing heart disease, also leads to other health-degrading conditions, such as osteoporosis and even cancer. The excess protein — despite what people may think — isn’t good for the body. Also, the accumulation of meat can lead to more fatty deposits in the body, which become plaque deposits, and they can start to calcify and affect many of our tissues and bones, causing long-term diseases like heart disease.
Finally, our great demand for meat has great impact on climate change. Most peole wont relate these two so here's is bit of a picture. To keep up with the demand for meat, cows are fed an incredible amount of food, which produces waste. This waste gives off methane gases, which contribute to ozone depletion by trapping heat in the atmosphere. Manufacturing one calorie from animal protein requires 11 times as much fossil fuel input as producing a calorie from plant protein. Why is this bad? Burning fossil fuels (such as oil and gasoline) releases carbon dioxide, the primary gas responsible for climate change.
Despite these facts that has been known for years meat consumption has grown for a long time. To show our consumption behavior I created this site, and hopefully show the individual impact that each and everone of has by choosing for our tastebuds and not welfare of our future.